Yesterday, I made helped my younger sister with her essay. SPM-standard essay. I made it at 2 am in the morning. And it took me about 1 hour to complete the essay, and of course, by referring to the internet as usual.
Kepada sesiapa yang nak tengok contoh essay ke, boleh lah tengok sini. Tapi, jangan copy paste, nanti tak maju, sebab meniru. Cuba baca, fahamkan, dan cuba try buat essay sendiri. Mana-mana perkataan baru tu, boleh lah difahamkan, dan cuba ingat. Nak bagi ingat? Try buat ayat satu dua, lama-lama ingat lah..
Lagi satu, kalau ada kesalahan Grammar, bolehlah nak tegur untuk perbetulkan.
The question is: Start your essay with 'I could not believe my eyes when I saw...'
“I could not
believe my eyes when I saw a strong flame that burns brightly filling the sky over
the paint factory. It was a dark night, when I was walking home with my friend;
Suzie after finishing our tuition class. I was the one who saw the fire first
and spontaneously screamed ‘Oh, my god! Suzie, look! There’s a fire!’ We were
both in panic because unfortunately, the road was empty, with no cars, not even a
single person there, except us.
But, being a brave and fearless girl, Suzie immediately
grabbed my hand and together we ran towards the factory’s guard post, to inform
the security guard. To our surprise, the guard post was empty, and I was more
panic than a minute ago. Luckily, I realized that I brought my hand phone and I
instantly dialled 999; the emergency line.
While waiting for the fire fighter and police to arrive, we
searched for the security guard around the main entrance gate. We cannot enter
further into the factory area because the fires flared mightily and at the
street level, it was nearly blinding. To our surprise, we found the security
guard lying unconscious on the ground. We tried to wake him up. As Suzie tried
to help him by doing a CPR, I called my parents, informing them about what
happened and that we needed help.
After two minutes of CPR, finally the guard awakes and we
helped him walking towards a safer place; at the roadside across the street.
Few minutes later, the street was filled with the sounds of fire trucks, a
helicopter, police cars and ambulances. They all worked together cooperatively
to set the fire off.
As our parents arrived, we could not help ourselves from being
grateful that we are save and alive. The, we were approached by Chief Azman of
the Selayang Fire Department, complimenting us on how our bravery and smart
actions helped the situation.
Adik aku sangat pandai, ada apa-apa homework yang tak tahu, terus sms aku
'kak yong, tlong org wat essay. Xde idea.'
Aku pulak, yang memang dah sedia baik ni, buatkan aje lah.. Dah siap tulis, taip, pastu email kat adik aku..
Hurmm... Eloklah tu..=.=''
p/s: fyi, aku memang tak reti nak buat karangan berbentuk cerita. Dulu time sekolah, tak pernah buat cerita, mesti buat karangan fakta je. BM dan BI. Bagi aku, buat karangan fakta lagi senang daripada cerita-cerita ni. Tak cukup kreatif kot. Kalau ada homework kena buat karangan cerita, memang liat sungguh nak buat. Idea tak boleh nak berkembang.
Tapi, time SPM BI, for the first time ever, aku pegi buat cerita! Sebab tu kot tak dapat A. Mengada. Ni sebab terpengaruh dengan novel-novel yang aku baca waktu bulan SPM lah ni.
TIPS: Kalau time exam, jangan buat benda yang korang tak penah buat. Nanti bala je. Macam aku..
teacher fifita haramkan karangan berbentuk cerita dalam exams. haha
ReplyDeleteoh, ye ke.. x tahu plak..
Deleteserius, menyesal gila buat essay psl cerita time spm dulu.
menyesal sgt3!!!